What to Do Before Iron Infusion

An iron infusion is a procedure often used to treat iron deficiency anaemia or other conditions requiring a boost in iron levels. Proper preparation and knowing what to do before an iron infusion can significantly impact the success and comfort of the treatment. This guide outlines essential steps and considerations to ensure an effective and smooth infusion experience.

What is an Iron Infusion?

Iron infusion is a medical procedure that involves slowly dripping iron-containing fluid directly into the bloodstream. Unlike a traditional iron injection, which is injected into the muscle, an iron infusion allows a larger volume of iron to be administered at once. It's a powerful treatment option for those who can't take oral iron supplements or need a rapid increase in iron levels. For a broader understanding of these methods, refer to the differences between iron infusion, oral iron supplements, and an IV Iron Injection.

Preparing for an Iron Infusion: Key Steps

Proper preparation before iron infusion can ensure a smooth procedure and optimal recovery. Here's what you need to do:

1. Consult with Your Healthcare Provider

Discuss your medical history, medications, allergies, and any concerns with your healthcare provider. Make sure you have had all the required blood tests done, and have your prescription for the iron filled, bring it with you. Sign and bring the consent form. You may also want to read 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Iron Infusion to gain a better understanding.

2. Review the Procedure

Know what to expect before, during, and after the infusion. Understanding the procedure can alleviate any anxiety and help you prepare accordingly.

3. Follow Pre-Infusion Instructions

Your healthcare provider may provide specific guidelines, such as avoiding certain medications. Make sure to adhere to these instructions.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough fluids before the procedure can make it easier to insert the IV and ensure a smooth infusion process.

5. Wear Comfortable Clothing

Choose clothing that allows easy access to your arm, where the IV will typically be placed. Comfort is key, as the procedure may take a few hours.

6. Plan Your Transportation

Some patients might feel tired or dizzy after the infusion, so arranging transportation home is advisable.

During the Infusion: What to Expect

Iron infusion is usually conducted in a medical facility and monitored by healthcare professionals. Here's what you can expect:

  • Settling In: You'll be seated comfortably, and an IV will be inserted into your vein.

  • Monitoring: Medical staff will carefully observe and manage the infusion rate and your reaction to the treatment.

  • Duration: Depending on the iron dosage, the procedure usually takes 1 hour. 

After the Infusion: Care and Monitoring

Understanding what comes after the procedure is essential, too. Here are some post-infusion considerations:

  • Observe for Side Effects: Notify the medical staff if you feel any unusual symptoms during or after the procedure.

  • Follow Post-Infusion Guidelines: Your healthcare provider may have specific instructions for care after the infusion.

  • Understand Future Needs: Depending on the condition and its severity, further treatments might be required. Knowing how long an iron injection lasts can provide insights for infusions too.


Iron infusion is a powerful and effective treatment for increasing iron levels in the body. Thorough preparation, understanding the procedure, and adhering to medical guidelines enhance the treatment's success and patient comfort.

Whether it's understanding the differences between infusions, injections, and supplements, or knowing what to expect and how to prepare, knowledge is empowering. Engaging with healthcare professionals at Evergreen Doctors, exploring our resources, and taking an active role in your health can lead to the best outcomes.

Chris Chappel