How Long Does an Iron Injection Take to Work?

Iron-deficiency anaemia is a common condition that affects a significant portion of the global population. One of the treatments for this condition is iron injection, which provides a quicker and more concentrated way to increase iron levels in the body compared to oral supplements. But a common question arises: how long does an iron injection take to work? In this article, we'll explore the timeline, effectiveness, and related considerations of iron injections.

Understanding Iron Injections

Iron injections are administered intramuscularly or intravenously to treat iron deficiency, especially when oral iron supplements are not suitable or when rapid replenishment is needed. They are an essential part of the broader spectrum of iron treatments, including iron infusions. 

You can read more about the comparisons here: Iron Infusion vs Oral Iron Supplements vs Iron Injection: A Comprehensive Comparison.

How Quickly Do Iron Injections Work?

Iron injections provide a swift increase in iron levels, with the following general timeline:

  • Immediate Absorption: The injected iron is immediately available for use by the body.

  • Noticeable Effects: Improvement in symptoms such as fatigue and weakness may be noticed within a few days to a week.

  • Full Benefits: The complete restoration of iron levels and haemoglobin may take a few weeks, depending on the severity of the deficiency.

Comparing Iron Injections to Iron Infusions

While iron injections and infusions both offer quicker solutions than oral supplements, they have differences:

  • Iron Injections: Usually takes a few days to a week to show noticeable improvements.

  • Iron Infusions: This may lead to improvement in symptoms within the same timeframe or even quicker.

  • IV Iron Infusion: All the benefits of an Iron Infusion, with far less risk of skin staining. This is the type of Iron Infusion we perform at Evergreen Doctors.

Read more about this comparison and related FAQs in our article: 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Iron Infusion.

How Long Does an Iron Injection Last?

Iron injections can provide a sustained increase in iron levels that last for several weeks to months, depending on individual needs and underlying conditions. So, how long does an iron injection last? The specific duration varies among individuals.

What to Do Before an Iron Injection

Proper preparation is essential for a successful iron injection. Here are key steps to consider:

  • Consult with a Healthcare Provider: Discuss your medical history, current medications, and any allergies.

  • Understand the Procedure: Know what to expect during the injection process.

  • Prepare Physically: Stay hydrated and follow any specific instructions from your healthcare provider.

More comprehensive guidance can be found in our blog about What To Do Before Iron Infusion, as many of the preparatory steps are similar.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

While iron injections are generally considered safe, they can have potential side effects, including:

  • Immediate Side Effects: Mild reactions like itching or rash, metallic taste, or flushing. An old-fashioned intramuscular iron injection always causes skin staining. Rarely an Iron Infusion can result in the iron leaking out of the cannula site, outside the vein, and cause permanent skin staining. To minimise this risk we only do IV Iron Infusions, so the doctor slowly injects the medication, instead of gravity forcing it in (as happens in a normal IV iron infusion). If the doctor notices any resistance, they stop, if there is no resistance it means the medication is going into the right place, whereas with a traditional IV Iron infusion, you usually won’t notice anything is wrong until it’s too late.

  • Delayed Reactions: Joint or muscle pain, fatigue, or headaches. This is often due to phosphate dropping, after the procedure, so our doctor will provide you with foods to eat for a few weeks afterwards to minimise any issues.

It's essential to communicate any symptoms or concerns to your healthcare provider, as timely intervention can minimise complications.


Iron injections offer a rapid and effective way to combat iron deficiency anaemia, with noticeable improvements often occurring within a week. By understanding how iron injections work, comparing them to other treatment options like infusions, and knowing how to prepare for the procedure, patients can make informed decisions tailored to their unique needs.

The complex relationship between various iron treatments reflects the multifaceted nature of healthcare, where personalised approaches often yield the best results. Whether choosing iron injections, infusions, or oral supplements, understanding the timeline, preparation, and expectations is key to successful treatment.

For more insights into iron treatments, explore the variety of resources and articles available at Evergreen Doctors, and let us guide you through the process based on your specific condition and needs.

Ebony Tosch